In Government, News

Citizens and business expect so much of their interactions with and service delivery from government (and private sector corporations for that matter).

People have come to expect a consistent set of efficient services that are easy to understand and frictionless to interact with.

This is a challenge that digital transformation exists to address.

Digital transformation as a concept needs to translate to a digitally enabled government.  One that responds to (even anticipates) citizen expectations of better connected government.

At Cogility we recognise that a new veneer over old services is sometimes worse than no change at all, and that sometimes changing the game needs to start by challenging long-held views with simple, but difficult questions.

The “Copernican” view of the universe with government at its centre is now long outflanked by connected, empowered and highly expectant citizens who demand that public service means a responsive and simple enabler to improve their lives.

This bold statement needs to be addressed pragmatically though.  The machinery of government exists for good reason and transformation of any kind should leverage existing investment in systems and infrastructure, and take advantage of the collective knowledge and corporate history available in the smart people working there today.

Whilst we expect our government’s to be agile and responsive, we also insist that they are prudent and apply good governance to investments that are ultimately using public money.

Digital transformation is a journey that needs to marry pragmatism with bold, (some might say fearless), future forward thinking.

We’ll be publishing a series of papers in the Digital Transformation arena over the coming weeks.

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